
We can ship our products to :
France, Monaco, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Spain, the United-States, Finland, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Portugal, Singapor, Sweden and Switzerland.

For other countries, please contact us at and we will most likely be able to find a solution.
Shipments are assured by the services of La Poste. Deliveries occur twice a week, weekends and holidays are not included.
During holiday season deliveries will take up to 15 days.
Deliveries in France will take 2 to 3 days. For international deliveries, the duration will differ according to the country.
Snob can not be held responsible for any mistakes made on the part of the carrier.
Snob can not be held responsible in the case of loss, delay or disturbance due to the carrier (particularly in the case of total or partial strike of postal services and transport and / or communications).